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Google Algorithm Update 21St July- Mobile Friendly Update

On Tuesday, April 21 will be a major shift in Google's mobile search Algorithm, followed by users to search through websites that will change the way the rankings. So are many important sites will just go back to the search because they are not RWD (Responsive web development).

Google's new Aelgoritham mobile friendly websites ranking high in favor and will search. The large text mobile friendly website, Easy-to-click links and websites that fit on the screen. Mobile friendly websites that are not will be demoted.

The result will be a lot of that content will only run on pages from the back because he does not read on mobile. Search content with Relivensi important measure also would Reedebiliti now.

60% of online traffic coming from mobiles and Google wants to click on links that mobile users get the best experience. The company had announced the changes in February. To avoid missing their websites so that webmasters steps necessary to get enough time. But the results of this change are expected to move the entire structure of the ranking. Business Insider CEO of the company building a website called Iti Sadan Duda said the nickname the 'mobile Gaydon' would have been detrimental to the millions websites.

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